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Ein Hemd allein fliegt in Richtung Wolkenwelt

Kein Zuhause, keine Familie, ja nicht einmal einen Namen. Das ist die Geschichte eines kleinen Jungen, der eine Gabe besitzt, die andere Menschen in Erstaunen versetzt und um die er gleichzeitig beneidet wird. So sehr, dass er immer wieder fliehen muss. Die Flucht wird zu einer Reise, die bei Mario und seiner Frau Maria zu enden scheint. Zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben wird der Junge liebevoll aufgenommen, fühlt Wärme, Zuneigung und Geborgenheit. Es scheint, als lächle ihm das Glück endlich zu.

Doch bleiben kann er nicht. Der Wunsch, einen Namen für sich zu finden, ist zu stark. Was folgt, ist eine Geschichte voller Metaphern mit einem Spiegelbild, das nicht etwa sein Antlitz zeigt, sondern das eines kleinen Mädchens.

Findet der Junge mit Hilfe seines Ebenbilds einen Namen für sich? Bringt ihn die Reise zurück zu Mario und Maria? Und welchen Wegzoll leistet er, um die letzten Hürden zu meistern?


"Memories are a funny thing - they play like movies in front of your mind's eye and you reexperience feelings you thought were long gone. Once you pull something out of the fog of your subconscious mind into focus, you realize that your memories all are true."

Thomas J. Archer is dying.
It is not a natural death and as he realizes the inevitability of what he is going through, something unknown to mortals comes into focus and materializes into truth.

You are holding this truth in your hands.

Hashashin is the first part of a trilogy. The two following books Bells and Blood are 

soon to come. Here a teaser:


“Stories aren’t not written, they are forgotten.”

1962: A rookie agent oft he FBI is assigned to investigate a series of suicides in a New England town.

Present day: Leo Heuer, a writer stumbles onto this story. A story that ultimately reveals the karmic legacy of this New England town. He is able to corroborate all he learns and more, when he meets with George Brown, the former FBI agent who had investigated the suicides in 1962. What unravels is a story riddled with half truths, deceptions and lies spanning three different eras. Ultimately the truth is revealed. A truth that was never meant to see the light of day.

What Leo Heuer ultimately writes turns out to be a karmic whisper; a historic rumor of something true.     


“The fight of good versus evil is fought not on battlefields, but in ones mind … Sometimes, however, it is otherwise.”

Thomas J. Archer hasn't died, he is alive.

He finds himself a member of a secret brotherhood hidden in plain sight for millennia. Throughout recorded history and mentioned in every religious text, an ultimate showdown between good and evil has been prophesied. Thomas has been chosen to challenge that which has plagued humanity at its core.

The honor of being permitted to represent the good in humanity dwarfs the omnipresence of the ultimate sacrifice. 

In the end, one will win and one will lose.