
We are all Writers, Coaches and Public Speakers.

The passion for stories and their narration seized me very early on.

After my studies in the USA and several years of working in my private practice, I decided to change my career and become an author.

The core element of my writing is based on psychological profiling, for three-dimensional character development is at the heart of any good story. Based on this model I give lectures, write short stories, screenplays and novels.
Dr. Bruno Wildhaber

PS: Whether a story is made up or is a memory longing for a voice, an invisible force motivates and moves us to wanting to share it with others.

All we have to do is to find a mode of expression that is uniquely ours.

When my authentic voice first entered my consciousness, I never wanted to let it go again.

I followed the proverbial call to adventure and have never regretted my decision.

FYI --- Bo Wild.*

Bo Wild. is short for Bruno Wildhaber and so much more.

Why the short version?

Bo Wild. is short for Bruno Wildhaber. My name always was a talking point during the time in university. “Bruno, what kind of name is that?” Or, “Wild… what?” So, to omit further funny business, I opted for Bo Wild. as a synonym under which all my fictional writing is to be published. Furthermore, the o in Bo ought to be printed smaller so to appear to be a period. The name Bo Wild. is then read B Wild. (be wild). This as a subliminal reminder to anyone not to be domesticated, “…stay wild, you’re beautiful that way.”

Now the period after Wild:

The period after Wild. shortens my last name but also signifies a much deeper meaning.

Cutting my given name in half by placing a period after Wild is my way of honoring part of my paternal masculine line. With this period, I signal to this, my masculine linage, that the efforts with which they charged their given sir name are lacking not only in elegance, they are disappointingly flat. In short, the men I call my masculine ancestors represent a group of men in desperate need of the therapeutic measures and modalities I procured and created throughout my professional career.

I placed a period after Wild to declare a full-stop to the unproductive ways of dealing with a psychological legacy I’ve inherited.